Benefits for homeowners
As a homeowner, you cannot buy Easyserv's controller and control of your heat pump directly from us, but you do so from your local electricity company - if they have an agreement with us. Here are the main benefits you get from our smart control of your heat pump.
Spot price optimization
Reduced power charge
Spot price optimization
The more the price of electricity fluctuates over the day, the more our control will benefit by "charging" your house an extra half degree when electricity is cheap, and lowering your temperature an extra half degree when electricity is expensive.
So your house works like a battery, but without the disadvantages of a battery: high purchase price; loss of value with each charging cycle; environmental disadvantages of manufacturing in terms of energy consumption and mining of rare earths; geopolitical dependence on non-EU countries for the purchase of the earths, etc.
Reduction of power charge
By 26.12.31, all electricity companies in Sweden are required by law to have introduced capacity charges. Some electricity companies have already introduced them, so if you live in such an area, you may know what this means. Otherwise, within the next year or two, you will already be told by your electricity company.
In short, power charges mean that you no longer pay a fixed fee according to your fuse (if you have 16 or 20 amps or more), but you pay according to the maximum power you use in a single hour during a month.
If the heat pump, electric car charger, washing machine, etc. are running at the same time, there will be a high power consumption at that time. But if you spread out the use to different times, the power consumption will not be as high, and you will not have to pay as much in power charges to the electricity company that month.
The heat pump is by far one of the biggest consumers of electricity, so by helping you to use it a little less when you use electricity for a lot of other things, your power charge will be lower.
Easyserv creates benefits throughout the energy system
Smart control of heat pumps optimizes energy use, strengthens grid stability and reduces electricity costs.